0 SCARDEC Source Time Functions Database


This page is the web tool associated with the article : Vallée, M. and V. Douet, A new database of Source Time Functions (STFs) extracted from the SCARDEC method, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 257, 149-157, 2016 . Besides technical aspects, the reader will find in this article how this database should and should not be used. Please refer to it if publicly using the information provided by the STF database. More information on the SCARDEC method, and on an exhaustive application can be found here.
STFs provided here have been revised and are therefore provided with a delay. The automatic real-time STFs since 2014 can be visualized on the GEOSCOPE website
You can find additional Source Time functions (from surface waves) on the IRIS Source Time Function Product webpage


According to the constraints filled in the section "Searching events" and after validation with the button "SEARCH DATABASE", the corresponding events are listed with their SCARDEC-determined parameters. Each Source Time Function (STF) can be visualized online and a group of STFs can be downloaded after selecting them. The number of earthquake STFs that can be downloaded is limited to 500. If more earthquakes are selected, please split your request or download the full database (see below). See also the format of the STFs files.
Earthquakes present in the database: from 1992/01/20 to 2023/12/30 - Last update: 2025/01/14
 Download the whole STF database

The downloaded file is an archived file which contains n directories for the n requested earthquakes. Each directory refers to the corresponding earthquake by the name FCTs_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Name, where YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS are the year, month, day, hour, minute, second of the NEIC origin time, respectively. Name is the Flinn-Engdahl name of the earthquake location.

Inside each earthquake directory, two files are provided, for the average STF (file fctmoysource_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Name) and for the optimal STF (file fctoptsource_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Name)

These two STF files have the same format:

Depending on the perspective of the study, the user of the database may also refer to the following articles.

1) Description of the original SCARDEC method:
Vallée, M., J. Charléty, A.M.G. Ferreira, B. Delouis, and J. Vergoz, SCARDEC: a new technique for the rapid determination of seismic moment magnitude, focal mechanism and source time functions for large earthquakes using body wave deconvolution , Geophys. J. Int., 184, 338-358, 2011.

2) First exhaustive use of the STF database for source analyses:
Vallée, M., Source time function properties indicate a strain drop independent of earthquake depth and magnitude , Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3606, 2013.

 Searching events

 Date selection: From to

From to
From to

From to

From to

From to

 Location selection:

Hold down the Shift key while dragging a box, or use the visual control below, or use the lat-lon bounds on the right.
  Latitude max
Longitude min
Longitude max
Latitude min

 Selecting events

Event Time (NEIC) Location Latitude (NEIC) Longitude (NEIC) Depth
Mw Moment
Strike 1
Dip 1
Rake 1
Strike 2
Dip 2
Rake 2
Source Time Function
Event Time Location Latitude Longitude Depth
Mw Moment
Strike 1
Dip 1
Rake 1
Strike 2
Dip 2
Rake 2
Source Time Function

 For questions you can contact Martin Vallée (vallee AT ipgp.fr)