The downloaded file is an archived file which contains n directories for the n requested earthquakes. Each directory refers to the corresponding earthquake by the name FCTs_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Name, where YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS are the year, month, day, hour, minute, second of the NEIC origin time, respectively. Name is the Flinn-Engdahl name of the earthquake location.
Inside each earthquake directory, two files are provided, for the average
STF (file fctmoysource_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Name) and for the optimal STF (file fctoptsource_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Name)
These two STF files have the same format:
Depending on the perspective of the study, the user of the database may also refer to the following articles.
1) Description of the original SCARDEC method:
Vallée, M., J. Charléty, A.M.G. Ferreira, B. Delouis, and J. Vergoz,
SCARDEC: a new technique for the rapid determination of seismic moment magnitude, focal mechanism and source time
functions for large earthquakes using body wave deconvolution , Geophys. J. Int., 184, 338-358, 2011.
2) First exhaustive use of the STF database for source analyses:
Vallée, M.,
Source time function properties indicate a strain drop independent of earthquake depth and magnitude
, Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3606, 2013.
Event Time (NEIC) | Location | Latitude (NEIC) | Longitude (NEIC) | Depth (km) |
Mw | Moment (N.m) |
Strike 1 (°) |
Dip 1 (°) |
Rake 1 (°) |
Strike 2 (°) |
Dip 2 (°) |
Rake 2 (°) |
Focal mechanism |
Source Time Function | |
Event Time | Location | Latitude | Longitude | Depth (km) |
Mw | Moment (N.m) |
Strike 1 (°) |
Dip 1 (°) |
Rake 1 (°) |
Strike 2 (°) |
Dip 2 (°) |
Rake 2 (°) |
Focal mechanism |
Source Time Function |
For questions you can contact Martin Vallée (vallee AT